
“Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord.” Lamentations 3:40 (NIV)

Every day—often several times a day—we engage in self-reflection. We stand in front of a mirror and look to see if there’s anything about our appearance that needs to be changed. And as a result of this self-examination you may comb your hair, shave, touch up your makeup, or change your clothes.

If only we did this as much with our character as we do with our appearance! The goal of a Christian’s life is to become more like Him—not in our appearance, because (despite all the paintings we see) we don’t know exactly what Jesus looked like—but in our character.

As you pray today, take the time to look at the character you’ve displayed recently and ask God to point out the things you need to change, as well as for the strength to bring about those changes.
