
Read Mathew 4: 1-4
For 40 days Jesus fasted and was tempted by Satan in the desert. Satan’s objective was to get Christ to submit to him and take the easy way out of a difficult situation. He tries to use doubt to deceive Christ at one of His weakest moments. This has been one of Satan’s tools throughout history and it is still at the top of his list today, “DID GOD REALLY SAY_??????

Satan’s temptations fall into three categories, pleasure, popularity, and power. Mathew 4:3 says: The tempter came to Him and said “If you are the Son of God, tell these stones to become bread.” Christ is fasting and His hunger is great. Satan appeals to the pleasure of food to interrupt His focus, but Christ knows He cannot bypass His purpose, to die for the sins of the World. Dying on the Cross is the only way to defeat Satan and reunite Mankind with God.

When we are tempted, remember the sacrifice that has been made for your soul. Christ died and was resurrected so we can escape the punishment for our sin.
